More importantly, why would I be grateful to her too? What Miss Margaret Noble did was to start a school for young women in Kolkata at the behest of Swami Vivekananda, a monk of the… Read More
Posts by Sreela Banerjee
Changing our behaviours always do feel like mountainous tasks. We set big goals – my son’s middle school tee-shirt said ‘run fast or be last’. The non sporting version is ‘go big or go home’…. Read More
Careers choices and options.
I didn’t really know what to do with my life when I was 17. I talked to my father, who said – time enough for that yet, get a degree first, and then think about… Read More
The practice of ‘calling the mind back’.
The practice of calling the mind back, when it has wandered off somewhere is called ‘pratyahara’ in Patanjali’s yoga sutras, an ancient work on how to meditate for the purposes of spiritual advancement. We know… Read More
Three women scientists
So, to continue – three examples of women shining in their fields of work. Choosing Marie Curie is usual. So I won’t. I will look instead at Franklin. (Found in all life on Earth, DNA… Read More
Three woman Artists
The day after international womens day, I thought I would follow something that my father used to say, when he thought I was making some unsubstantiated claim – he would smile and say : Give… Read More
It’s later than we think
A friend honing a new course said ‘It is later than you think, start living now’. It made me sit up and take notice. It also made me start writing a book. A very personal… Read More
We can’t make connections with individuals if we don’t pay attention to the detail
‘So, tell me before I set off, what goes with what?’ I was putting out a few plates of food for people about to arrive and an old friend came into the kitchen and asked… Read More
Creativity goes well with self awareness and Empathy
Everyone in your workplace expects you to have brilliant ideas on a rolling basis, once you have had one good idea, put it into practice, and it worked. What you need to do after that… Read More
Heralding a change in science
As I write this book about paying attention, science is about to change. How is it changing ? In science we observe, with a theory in mind. Then we write down what the theory predicts… Read More