- What all students and teachers say is that confidence is the key to a person’s journey towards the workplace, whether it is the first journey, or after a break : Here is caroline goyder on the subject of confidence. Her conclusion is that it is all to do with the breath – around the middle of that video, she says the crucial words ‘the person in the room with the most relaxed breath is the most confident’. The first step for every one is to get into the habit of spending a minute just taking a deep breath.
Here is a downloadable audio and – have it ready on your mobile – so every now and again, through your day, you take a minute – literally a minute – to check out how you are, and take a deep, steadying breath.
- self regulation – breathing deeply, before and during the time our feelings, thinking and actions are taking place.
This may be a useful guide for teachers and coaches to use with their own students /clients, or of course use for their own self development.
2. The Careers and Enterprise Company was keen to interview me about what young people found helpful – and I was able to say that they regard what I provide as authentic, because it came from consultancy clients and other consultants’ observations in workplaces – ‘straight from the horse’s mouth’ as one young man put it.
My courses are all derived from my hands on experience in workplaces over 30 years.
In this short video clip, we talk about what is effective and impactful, and what kind of input is appreciated by students.
In this video, Lyn Procter, a practitioner, finds a measure of what is impactful in careers education.
Check out the four LSN courses on this page. Concessionary prices (overall, a 50% reduction) for World Class Schools.